The Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) is an unmistakable member of the blackbird family. I have observed and photographed these blackbirds across the state in several wildlife management areas and they are always easy to pick out. They prefer to perch, … Continue reading
The Orchard Oriole (Icterus spurius) is a spring and summer inhabitant across the state of Maryland. The Orchard variety of Oriole does not have the familiar orange tint of the Baltimore species, but rather a very yellow coat with black … Continue reading
The Gray Catbird (Dumetella carolinensis) does not hunt cats. It has a varied voice that can sometimes sound like a meow, which is where it gets its name from. This songbird can be found across the state of Maryland and … Continue reading
The Eastern Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta) is the Maryland regional sub-species of the painted turtle which has Midland, Southern and Western relatives living in other parts of the United States. The painted turtle likes still ponds and waters, or marshes, … Continue reading
Funnel weaver spiders (Agelenidae), also known as grass spiders, are a fairly common group of spiders in Maryland. Their body markings can be very similar to that of a wolf spider, but because wolf spiders don’t spin webs, it’s usually … Continue reading
The Eastern Towhee (Pipilo erthrophthalmus) is a fat little bird that kind of looks like a cross between a sparrow and an oriole. The head and back or black and the underside of its wing has a little orange coloring. … Continue reading
The Eastern Bluebird (Sialia Sialis) has some amazing color and can be a real standout if you spot it among the green leaves and brown branches of a tree. It’s an all-year species in Maryland, and so far, I have … Continue reading
Canada Goose (Branta canadensis). Probably one of the more recognizable species in the United States. They honk. They fly. They poop. They’re Geese. … Continue reading
The Black-and-White Warbler (Mniotilta varia) is a small songbird that acts more like a woodpecker or nuthatch than it does a Warbler. Even its breast markings and wing pattern are similar to a Hairy Woodpecker, but its longer bill and … Continue reading
The American Coot (Felica americana) is a fairly recognizable water bird more popular in the northern midwest. Maryland is not a breeding range for the Coot, typically, but it can be found along the Maryland shore year-round. The Coot has … Continue reading
The Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis) is a … Ok. Is it just me, or does that scientific name looks like it came from a Coyote-Road Runner cartoon? “Sandwichensis?” Really? It’s a sparrow, and there are a lot of sparrows out … Continue reading
The Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) is a fairly common backyard bird with a few distinguishing characteristics that make it east to pick out. Females are mostly gray and white and the juveniles look very similar to a Savannah Sparrow, but … Continue reading
The Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) is a fairly common canine scampering around Maryland. I have seen Red Foxes at Eastern Neck Island, Blackwater Refuge and come across tracks in other areas including Canal WMA. The Fox is usually pretty quick … Continue reading
After enduring months of cold, indoor weekends I finally took advantage of a beatuiful Saturday in late March to hit the trails for the first time this year. I defintley missed being out in the fresh air, and, despite the … Continue reading
Thanks for the viewer mail on this one – we have ourselves a Sweat Bee (Augochlora pura). I caught this sucker at Millington Wildlife Management Area, which – if I haven’t said it on a ton of other posts – … Continue reading
Paper Wasps are a large family of wasps commonly found in all parts of the world. Maryland is no different as several species of paper wasp are pretty prominent, even around houses and backyards. The particular species photographed above (Polistes … Continue reading
The Ichneumon Wasp is a fairly popular genus of wasp in North America. I’d like to apologize for the stalk of grass in the way, as well. It’s the best shot I had from the front to show off his long … Continue reading
The Common Thread-Waisted Wasp (Ammophila procera) is a very popular series of solitary wasp across the U.S., and, of course, is found in Maryland. I tagged this guy at Idylwild Wildlife Management Area in late summer. He was scuttling across … Continue reading
The Golden-Backed Snipe Fly (Chrysopilus thoracicus) is a common species across forests in Maryland. The particular shot above was taken at Millington Wildlife Management Area in between periods of light rain. This soldier fly gives the appearance of a bee … Continue reading
The Flesh Fly is a nasty looking character in the (Sarcophagidae) family of flies. I had to do some searching online and in books to find him out and when I did; I learned that these suckers carry nasty diseases … Continue reading