Thanks for the viewer mail on this one – we have ourselves a Sweat Bee (Augochlora pura).
I caught this sucker at Millington Wildlife Management Area, which – if I haven’t said it on a ton of other posts – is a fantastic spot for a large variety of insect life. Looking back, I wish I went macro on this guy, but this is my 250 zoom.
Your “chalicid wasp” picture is actually a sweat bee. It is in the genus Augochlorella. Can’t tell which of two species from a photo, but there is no doubt about what it is. In our region their color varies from green to coppery.
Thanks for the help on this one. As I said wasn’t sure where to go with the i.d., but that wasp was the closest I found.
Definitely similar
But you are right with the Sweat Bee, maybe this one?-
thanks again